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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can $30 per month actually make a difference?
  2. Specifically, how will my $30 per month be allocated?
  3. How will my child receive the care described above?
  4. Can I correspond with my child?
  5. By completing a pledge form, am I committing myself to sponsor my child indefinitely?
  6. What happens to the money being saved for my child's long-term needs if he/she dies or otherwise becomes unable to utilize it?
  7. How can I tell my friends about this?

1. Can $30 per month actually make a difference?

You would be amazed at the impact of a mere $30 per month, given for a child in Uganda! For $30 per month, your child will receive life-changing assistance in the form of nutritional supplements, clothing, medical care in times of sickness, and educational necessities.


2. Specifically, how will my $30 per month be allocated?

35% of your monthly contribution will go toward your child's immediate needs, to purchase things like vitamins, clothing, schoolbooks, food supplements, and medical supplies. 50% is saved in an account for your child's long-term educational needs. Only Primary School education is free in Uganda, and many families are unable to educate their children beyond that. Your child, however, will be able to complete Secondary School (high school) and possibly get a good start in college or trade school as a result of your sponsorship. The final 15% of your contribution is allocated to pay the costs of implementing the program. All but $0.50 of this amount is transferred to Uganda each month to cover expenses related to visiting the children, and to pay small salaries to the individuals doing the bulk of the visitation.


3. How will my child receive the care described above?

Each sponsored child will be visited regularly by a representative of our partnering church in Nagongera. During these visits, basic supplies (vitamins, food supplements, etc.) are provided, and the child's general health is assessed. If a child is found to be ill, nonprescription medicines may be supplied or arrangements for a visit to a medical clinic may be made.


4. Can I correspond with my child?

Yes. Though correspondence by mail is extremely slow, sponsors are welcome and encouraged to write to their children.


5. By completing a pledge form, am I committing myself to sponsor my child indefinitely?

While we hope that the Lord will enable our sponsors to continue supporting their children for as long as necessary, we understand that your financial circumstances may change. If you need to discontinue your sponsorship for any reason, we would simply ask that you give us 2-3 months notice so we will have ample time to find a new sponsor for your child.


6. What happens to the money being saved for my child's long-term needs if he/she dies or otherwise becomes unable to utilize it?

In such a case, you as the sponsor would have the option of either transferring those funds to another child who needs them (for example, a child who was registered for the program as a teen and therefore has insufficient funds in savings when the time comes to pay Secondary School fees) or to the account of a new child assigned to you.


7. How can I tell my friends about this?

Send them to our web site at www.covenantmercies.org, where they can sign up to sponsor a child, or simply gather more information. Additional questions can also be sent to sponsorship@covenantmercies.org.