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Child Sponsorship

The United Nations estimates that by 2010 the globe will be populated by 106 million orphans; 42 million in sub-Saharan Africa alone. An orphan crisis of this magnitude is unprecedented in the history of the world, and is predicted to get worse before it diminishes. What can one person do in the face of such an overwhelming problem?

In His mercy, the Lord has clearly assigned the privilege and duty of caring for orphans to His church. Echoing throughout the pages of Scripture is the declaration that the people of God must be a people who care for the poor, and for the orphan in particular. This recurrent theme is perhaps best summarized in James 1:27: "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…" A person with living faith in Jesus Christ will be a person who is zealous to bind up the wounds of the afflicted, particularly the fatherless.

Through Covenant Mercies, you can partner with local churches in Uganda and Zambia, to assist in their efforts to care for the many orphans living in their communities. For just $30 per month, you can provide a fatherless child with proper nutrition, medical care, clothing, and an education. Even more, your giving will enable precious children to grow up hearing the good news of the gospel as they receive the love of Jesus through a local church body who cares for them in His name.

You CAN help!
If you would like to sponsor an orphaned child*, please click here to fill out our Child Sponsorship Pledge Form. We will respond to you by sending a photograph and profile of your child, whom you can then begin to sponsor by mailing in your first check. After that, you will receive annual updates on your child so you can see the difference your generosity is making in his or her life. It's that simple!

If you have any questions about our sponsorship program, please do not hesitate to contact us at: sponsorship@covenantmercies.org.

*For the purposes of our program, an orphan is defined as a fatherless child.