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Orphans Initiatives

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction…” Covenant Mercies is committed to seeing this biblical mandate lived out practically in the context of the local church. Through our Orphan Sponsorship Program, we work with local churches in Uganda and Zambia to facilitate care for hundreds of children by means of their extended families. Where no extended family is available, we construct orphans’ homes where the children can be raised in a normal family environment, integrated into the life of the local church and endowed not only with daily sustenance, but also with biblical instruction and a Christian upbringing.

It is our conviction that where possible, one of the best and most complete ways to care for orphaned children is to make them orphans no longer through adoption. Covenant Mercies has worked with branches of the Mexican government to assist in matching orphaned children with loving adoptive families, and we hope to expand our adoption program to serve children in other nations as well, as doors are opened.

Covenant Mercies’ vision for ministry to orphans includes:

  • Enabling extended families of orphans to provide effective care through our Orphan Sponsorship Program
  • Building orphans’ homes in cooperation with local churches in other nations
  • Providing adoptive homes for orphaned children
  • Providing Adoption Assistance grants for qualified families through our Orphans Fund