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Orphans' Homes

Most of the children being served through Covenant Mercies’ Orphan Sponsorship Program are living under the care of an extended family member. We have been consistently amazed at the strength of the extended family in Uganda as grandparents, aunts and uncles take additional children in, even as they struggle to provide for their own. Covenant Mercies therefore strives, through our sponsorship program, to support the commendable efforts of the extended family and leave these relationships intact.

For a limited number of children, however, no adequate living situation is available within the extended family. In these cases, children grow up without adult supervision, leaving the eldest often with no choice but to assume responsibility for younger siblings rather than attending school and enjoying a normal childhood, or leaving a twelve year-old child to live by himself in the room his parents rented while they were alive.

Covenant Mercies volunteers work alongside their Ugandan counterparts to construct the first of our three orphans’ homes.

With these children in mind, Covenant Mercies has purchased approximately 30 acres of land outside Nagongera for the construction of orphans’ homes. These small family homes – each large enough to be occupied by two caregivers and eight children – are designed to provide a “normal” family environment in which children can be raised, integrated into the life of the local church and endowed not only with daily sustenance, but also with biblical instruction and a loving, Christian upbringing.

Family parents Micah and Jennifer Omalla (back row, center) pose with their children on the front porch of their home.

In October 2003, Covenant Mercies sent a team of nine men on a twelve-day journey to Uganda to build our first two orphans’ homes. A third home was constructed in subsequent months, with a long-term plan to build at least eight homes on this land, Lord willing. Covenant Mercies has also sent teams to build a septic system and a water tower to serve these homes. Currently, we have two homes in operation (serving 16 children) with plans to occupy a third by the end of 2005. Each home has running water and a working toilet, rare “luxuries” in this part of the world that will vastly improve the health and well-being of the children.

While it will always be our preference to support extended families in caring for the children, we expect the need for these homes to increase in the coming years as many grandparents become unable to continue caring for their orphaned grandchildren. What a privilege it is to be positioned, through the generosity of our donors, to care for each child in a manner commensurate with the severity of his or her need. Thank you for your ongoing support of Covenant Mercies through child sponsorship, additional financial giving, and prayer. Your partnership with us is transforming the lives of precious children for time and eternity!

Three of our children wash clothes, while others play under a shade tree in the center of our land.