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Cup of Cold Water Campaign a Great Success

Covenant Mercies volunteers work to assemble a steel water tower on the grounds of our orphans’ homes in Uganda.

In December 2004, Covenant Mercies sent out a mailing informing our friends of a $15,000 matching gift challenge intended to raise funds for a water project at the site of our orphans’ homes in Uganda. Though we currently have only three homes in operation, we thought it wise to build a water tower sufficient to accommodate our needs in the future as we construct additional homes and other buildings on this land (Lord willing, a school and/or medical clinic). Thanks to the extraordinarily generous response of our donors, we were able to complete just such a forward-looking project. Friends of Covenant Mercies responded to this challenge with an outpouring of kindness, to the tune of $37,196 in contributions! With the addition of the $15,000 gift from our matching donor, this computes to a total of $52,196 raised through our Cup of Cold Water campaign. Amazing!

The completed tower, with a 7,000 gallon water tank set on top.

On the heels of this remarkable blessing, Covenant Mercies sent a work team to Uganda in March 2005 to construct a water tower and install a well pump that is now providing clean, plentiful water to each of our homes. Despite numerous logistical challenges in our most ambitious project to date, this team miraculously managed to set a 7,000 gallon water tank atop a superbly-built steel tower, connect the water pipes, and begin the flow of water to the homes before their departure. This was truly a miracle in the eyes of the local people, who danced with delight as they saw fresh, clean water begin to emerge from the ground. Running water for drinking, washing, and sewage disposal – an assumed part of life in the Western World – is a rare luxury that most people in rural Uganda can only dream of. However, this is one “luxury” we are determined to provide for our children. Few things are more important for their health and welfare; and thanks to the generosity of our donors, this dream is now a reality in their lives.

We named the Cup of Cold Water campaign after the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:42: “And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward." For those of you who participated in this campaign, we trust that you have enjoyed a foretaste of your reward in the knowledge that lives are literally being transformed through your generosity. Thank you! May God receive all the glory, and may you derive much joy and satisfaction from your partnership with us in this life-changing mission.

The team at the base of the tower, along with a few of our Ugandan staff. As a result of their labors, the home in the background is now equipped with running water and a flushing toilet.